Land Services
Q: When and why should I contact Land Services?
A. Land Services can provide assistance with new owner set-up and owner transfers. The following are reasons to contact Artex and ask for Land Services.
- If you get married or divorced
- If you transfer your ownership to someone else
- If you put your interest in a trust
- If there is a change in trustee
Each individual case is unique. Land Services will be able to provide you with the appropriate instructions to fit your situation. Please contact them at 740.373.3313.
Q: What document(s) does Artex need to change my name?
A. Due to Marriage: provide a copy of the marriage license
Due to Divorce: provide a copy of the divorce decree declaring your name
Due to Court Proceedings: provide a copy of the court order
Q: A relative passed away, how do I transfer the interest?
A. If the relative has a Will, provide the following:
- Copy of the Will
- Death Certificate
- Letters Testamentary
- Final Decree and/or Recorded Certificate or Transfer in the Matter of the Estate
- List of legal names, current addresses, and social security numbers of the heirs
If the relative does not have a Will, provide the following:
- Death Certificate
- Final Decree and/or Recorded Certificate or Transfer in the Matter of the Estate
- List of legal names, current addresses, and social security numbers of the heirs
Q: What if my Domestic Gas Statement seems too high?
A. If the amount of gas used on your monthly Domestic Gas Statement seems unusually high, you should suspect a possible leak in your line or equipment. Signs of a possible leak can include whistling sounds, gas smells, bubbling in the ground or water, or brown grass.
You should immediately have a licensed professional (usually plumbers) inspect your lines and equipment. Have them repair or replace the leaking lines or equipment. Please note that even new gas lines can have leaks – groundhogs seem to think plastic gas lines are delicious.
Remember, maintenance and repair of your delivery system is your responsibility. For your safety and to avoid possibly paying for gas that has escaped into the air, have your lines and equipment inspected annually by a licensed professional.
Q: I am thinking about selling my oil and gas interest. Who should I contact?
A. If you have an interest in selling your oil and gas interest that is operated by Artex, please contact Land Services at 740.373.3313.